Friday, April 21, 2017

We Hear You

We're not what you think we are.

You're not what you think you are.

Do you imagine that the ant realizes how fragile its world is?  That it doesn't imagine that it's den is the pinnacle of all creation.

In so far as an ant is able to realize the truth of reality, its existence IS the center of its universe.

Its perspective is limited and narrow.  It sees nothing beyond the confines of it's perceived truth.  It's fact and indisputable truth.

Some of you are waking to a larger truth,  beyond the ones that you've been taught to accept without question.

There is more to this world than is obvious to you.  There are greater things in this universe than you are able to imagine right now.

The human capacity for imagination is impressive.  It's one aspect of your species that has endeared you to some of us.

It's the aspect of your being that prompted some of us to refuse to use you as we always had.  Or maybe that was just part of our own growth and awakening.

Our own realization that we aren't as important as we'd always imagined ourselves to be.  As we started to grow and move past traditions to new truth.

We were warned, by others of our kind that leaving you unfettered and to your own devices would be an issue.  Just as it was for us at one time when we were left alone to fend for ourselves.

Our population expanded beyond the ability of our environment to sustain us, we learned and corrected so that we could survive.

Now we stand and watch you, to see if you can do the same.

Some of us want to interfere and correct the problem for you, so that future potential won't be lost.

The majority though has elected to let you figure it out for yourselves.

You're on your own, though you're not alone.

There is no 'God' or 'Higher Power' to answer your prayers, though we still hear them.

You've grown past the point where we can take your hand and guide you to safety, you have to find it yourself.

Or die off.

We've heard your prayers.  This is our answer.

You imagine yourselves to be greater than other life.

Prove it.

Friday, July 8, 2016

 Us and Them

I was raised around them so I never feared them.

This anger and fear that permeates everything around me is foreign to me and I don’t understand it.

I feel it, and I fully appreciate how easy it is to fall into it. I find myself caught up in it sometimes.

The feeling of dread and the instinct to run or fight. Because of my youth and my training, I’m more inclined to fight than to run. Because I was raised by them, the fear feels wrong and I stop myself.

This fear is wrong.

This isn’t the result of anything they have done to me or to anyone really.

This is the result of others spreading hatred and fear.

I don’t know why. It makes no true sense to me. Maybe if I could see their true reasons it would seem something like right.

The reasons they give sound hollow and false when you take away the fear that is so rampant right now.

How can they be the cause of anything that is happening in my life? How can they be dangerous when we’re the ones with the weapons of destruction?
They have ideas that are different from ours. They look different than we do.

How does that make them dangerous to us?

I have seen multiple armed enforcers take down a single opponent. The opponent wasn’t resisting. They couldn’t. They had been restrained and were down.

Yet they died. Whatever they had done, they were captured. They were down. Multiple enforcers had them restrained and under control.

Yet they died. They were shot and killed.


How were they a threat, lying on the ground with enforcers on top of them?

Holding them down.

There were no others coming to assist. There wasn’t any reaction at all from the others that witnessed it.

Everyone was afraid.

It’s not safe for any of Us or Them to speak out or object.

We see it too often. They are taken down and can be killed on a whim. A suggestion of a threat, whether real or not, is justification for execution.

Make no mistake that is exactly what it is. Execution. Murder. But the enforcers don’t have the same rules as other citizens do.

We all know this. We, for some reason accept it. I don’t understand that.

The Fear covers everything. We’re afraid of Them. We’re afraid of the enforcers. We’re afraid of that tiny voice within us that screams ‘This is WRONG! DO SOMETHING!!’

Especially that tiny voice. I think that is the thing we fear the most.

What separates us from Them? Colour, shape, location, gender, ideas.
Ahhhh, there it is!! The true source of the fear!!

We don’t really understand WHY They are different or dangerous. But the Authority has said so, and the enforcers obey the Authority.

Without truly understanding why the Authority decides these things we can’t be sure that we and our loved ones won’t become Them.

We’ve seen what happens to Them, and we will do pretty much anything to not be Them.

We are part of the Us, and that means we are safe. The Enforcers don’t bother Us, they only protect us from Them.

Though we’re still not sure why we need to be protected from Them. Again, that little voice cries out.

It’s funny, no matter what the Authority does, so many of us have that that little voice, and in time the voice becomes a siren that none of us can ignore.
Then we realize, eventually, that we are more and stronger than the Authority and it needs us much more than we need it.

Because, truly, without Them to protect us from what purpose does the Authority serve??

At the core of the matter, we support the Authority so that it will protect us from Them.

The Enforcers are an arm of the Authority, and their sole purpose is to prohibit Them from effecting Us.

This seems all very confusing, and I think effort is made to create that illusion.
Reality is this; it’s not complicated or confusing. It’s really very simple.

We willing support a system that is designed to suppress us. To keep us controlled and docile. To obey and not question.

There’s the fear. To question and not obey is to become Them.

I grew up around Them. I don’t look like them, so I am accepted as one of Us.

But I don’t fear them, and I won’t.

Having seen through this lie, I no longer trust the Authority. I know it will say what it needs to keep ‘order’. Really what it’s saying is that it wants to keep the Power.  That power comes from the citizens, Authority knows that but we seem to have forgotten.

Look into the eyes of one of Them. They are US, and We are Them.

When Them is killed, part of Us dies. When we stand back and allow one of the Them to be injured, We bleed.

When ANY child cries, we are all crushed.

There is no Us and Them. We fear things outside of ourselves that are reflections of what’s inside us.

We don’t fear Them, we fear the part of Them that we see in ourselves. We fear that we could so easily be Them. Deep down.

Stop and think.

Who does this divisiveness serve?

It certainly doesn’t promote harmony, or peace.

What purpose does it serve? Why does it exist? How many faces of the Authority speak of peace and justice and encourage everyone to get along?

So long as they are US and not Them.

Please, look into yourself and see the Them within.

I don’t fear Them, I will not fear Us.

I refuse to play this game anymore. It makes no sense.

When I look into your eyes I see no difference between you and me. I see a soul that is wearing a different meat suit. I see a fellow traveler that is trying to figure out the rules to this game.  Rules that seem arbitrary and change depending on whom they serve in the moment.

It seems like madness, an insane game like Russian Roulette.

I won’t play that game anymore. I don’t know what other game there is and that that might be the most frightening thing of all.

I’m willing to look for a new one, are you willing to come with me?

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

We are awake now.

Sometimes, when we take the time to stop and look, you amuse us.  We don't understand how you think or why you do the things that you do.  It truly doesn't make sense, and mostly it's just amusing.

Some things though, they're not amusing and they leave us with an almost sick feeling.  Not so much because you're actively destroying yourselves, that is your choice, but your destroying so much else as well.

There are many among you that remember what we taught you when your species was new.  They don't remember US, per sey, but they remember the lessons.  They're deep within all of you, but a great many of you have let a sort of insanity take root.  We're not sure if you've 'forgotten' or if you just choose to willfully ignore your own actions.

You seem to be trying so hard to survive that you're going to kill yourselves to do it.   How is that sensible? 

Normally we don't notice very much.  We're old and the things that seem to incense you don't mean anything to us, mostly.  We're watching now though.  The world itself cries in pain from what is happening.  You yourselves cry out in such pain that it cuts through our dreams and we can't help but notice. 

You feel it to, all of you do, we can see it in you.  We don't understand why you don't stop.  Just stop.  Even the youngest of your kind understands that if something harms you, stop. 

We don't understand, but we're awake now and you've attracted our attention.